All products

Mantou pot code: 1915

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 2130

price = $5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 2130

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 5369

price = $5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 2456

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 2456

price = $5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot and Aluminum kettle

price = $5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 5369

price = $5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 3564

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Aluminum kettle

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 2130

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

price = $5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot and Aluminum kettle

price = $5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot and Aluminum kettle

price = $5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 1401

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 1711

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 1999

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 1999

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 1711

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 1915

price = $5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 1915

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.

Mantou pot code: 4356

price = $4.5

To buy the product, call or send a WhatsApp message.


Компания Iran Mantou является первым и крупнейшим заводом по производству алюминиевых контейнеров и всех типов пароходов в Иране. Этот завод был основан в 1994 году и в 2002-2018 годах завоевал звание самого качественного производителя тары с точки зрения клиентов и продолжает свою деятельность по сей день. дали..

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